The Afroditi T2 Slot Machine is a high quality slot machine that is very similar to the traditional slot machines found in casinos. It features both black and red symbols which change colors when the user presses the corresponding icons on the machine's screen. The machine pays out a maximum of twenty five pay lines for each game that is played. This means that the more you pay, the larger your payout will be. The machine also requires a minimum payout of one dollar. The game play itself is very simple and fast. You start by selecting a 'red' symbol from a multiple choice box on the machine menu. Following this you will see two lists of numbers that are color coded according to which game they apply to. Once you have selected a game, you will spin the reels and be rewarded for hitting the designated number. The machine earns money based on the actual spin rather than on the spin number. The machine is easy to learn to play and can pay off well if the right choices are made. Unlike other machines that give a small percentage chance of paying a jackpot, the Afroditi T2 uses a high payout rate to encourage players to play more. The odds of hitting a pay line increase as the value of each dollar that the player pays goes up. This means that a two dollar bet now has a much better chance of doubling in value over time. This high payout rate makes the machine very attractive to players who are new to the game. New players tend to focus on the payouts of the machine rather than the actual machine itself. This can lead to bad decisions where the player puts a lot of money into the machine but does not have a strategy for conserving those funds. A smart player knows that the slot machine requires proper money management and does not reward the player for putting unnecessary funds into the machine. This machine also has a unique mechanism that requires a player to place their bets before the ball is spun. The first time this thing is used on a slot machine is during the payback loop. The Payback Loop is a series of pauses that occur between each bet. It is important to know which bets go where during this period. If any bets are placed during the Payback Loop the results will depend on the outcome of the previous ones. The mechanics of the machine are not difficult to understand. The bonus is a standard payout on all spins. This is done according to the random number generator (RNG). This means that while some games may feature higher payouts the chances of hitting the jackpot are lower. On the other hand, the odds of winning on an Afroditi T2 slot machine is one of the best in the industry. A winning streak requires plenty of patience and a strategy that can ensure maximum cash payout. In order to determine how much to bet on each spin the player must read the payoff chart on the machine. There is actually no payoff chart on the machines because the random number generators determines how much each spin will be. However, players should still know how much to place bets on each machine by considering factors such as payout rate, expected payout, max bets and the casino's reputation. For slot machines that have a reputation for paying big, players can increase their maximum bets simply by knowing how much they can afford to spend on that machine. These machines are popular among players who enjoy playing a variety of games on the machine. It offers them the chance to play with a wide range of options. Players can play an Afroditi T2 slot machine both in single players and multi-player sessions. In a multi-player session, one person will be at the machine and the rest will be standing around the area in front of the slot machine. When a new person comes into the casino and uses the same machine as someone else they will not be counted as a 'new player' and will not get the bonus money when the other players win. This means that if you want to play this slot machine you must win the bonus in a single player session. However, playing in a multi-player session with a new person will count as a new player and you will receive the bonus. The more people there are on a slot machine, the larger the payout and maximum payout rate will be.